CSC VLE Insurance & RAP Exam Question Answer Key
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Q. What is the maximum cover
that can be provided in micro-insurance?
Ans. 50,000
Q. The Non-Government
Organisations (NGOs) help the insurance industry immensely in:
Ans. Promotional activities
Q. ........ means before loss
what was his financial status and for the same financial status to bring him is
Ans. An indemnity
Q. Insurance Agents are
Ans. Intermediaries
Q. Mr.Varun who owns a
multi-chain company would like to take an insurance. What will be the best
option for him from the following?
Ans. He can take company
Q. Insurance c option because:
Ans. Insurance products
offer flexibility to the policyholders
Q. Amit is looking for
term insurance plan for protection of his family he is advised to approach for:
Ans. Life Insurance
Q. Which of the following is
not a type of insurance organization?
Ans. Ombudsman
Q. The constituents who
participate in deeper penetration of micro-insurance and awareness of insurance
in rural areas are:
Ans. Non- Governmental
Q. In life insurance business
if a person is working in calculating premium rates of insurance products then
he is mostly likely a member of:
Ans. Insurance
institute of risk management
Q. A Risk transfer
provides a sense of:
Ans. Financial security
Q. _________ is an insurer for
the insurance company:
Ans. Reinsurance company
Q. Mr. Mahesh is a software
engineer. He has taken a term insurance for Rs. 30,00,000/- for 30years. This
is an example for:
Ans. Risk transfer
Q. Currently,
major percentage of insurance sales in India takes place through:
Ans. Individual
insurance agents
Q. I.R.D.A was
incorporated as a Statutory body in:
Ans. Dec-1999
Q. What facility
do insurers use to cover risks beyond their exposure limits:
Ans. Both a & b
Q. One of the most
sought after advantage of Insurance is:
Ans. Tax benefits on
payment of premium and all the pay-outs
Q. Vinay doesn’t
want to take insurance on himself. He feels that his family will survive with
the funds available in the bank and monthly rentals received from village. This
comes under Risk ______:
Ans. Retaining
Q. Why is Insurance required?
Ans. All of the above
Q. The main role of an
underwriter in a non-life insurance company is normally to: Ans. assess the acceptability of particular risks
Q. The concept of insurance
involves a transfer of:
Ans. risk
Q. How are perils and hazards
normally distinguished under term insurance policies?
Ans. Perils are risks
that policyholders will die before a specified date and hazards are factors
which could influence that risk.
Q. In insurance terms, the
risk of suffering a disability is best described as what type of risk?
Ans. Financial.
Q. For a household insurance
policy, insurable interest need only exist at outset and at what other point?
Ans. The date a claim
Q. Rahul is employed by Sunny.
In respect of this employment, Rahul automatically has insurable interest in
Sunny’s life up to what limit, if any?
Ans. Rahul’s monthly
Q. Akshat is a relatively
cautious person. In insurance terms, this will normally increase the likelihood
that he will:
Ans. require insurance
Q. Arun started a 20-year term
insurance policy. Once established, when, if at all, is the insurer next
entitled to ask him for proof of continuing good health?
Ans. When a lapsed
policy is revived.
Q. Once an absolute assignment
is effected under a life insurance policy, who will be the titleholder(s) of
this policy?
Ans. The assignee in
all cases.
Q. How long is the free
look-in period under a term insurance policy from the date of receipt of the
policy document?
Ans. 15 days.
Q. A life insurer issued a
quotation on 10 February, guaranteed for 14 days, which was accepted by the
customeron day 10. Consequently, the insurer can only decline this risk if the:
Ans. material facts
Q. A policy document for a
money-back policy includes the statement ‘the proposal and declaration signed
by the proposer form the basis of the contract’. In which main section of the
policy document will this normallyappear?
Ans. Preamble.
Q. The consequences of these risks which will affect
specific individuals or local communities in nature are called as?
Ans. particular risk
Q. Pooling of insurance applies to?
Ans. All Type insurance (Only life insurance, only
non-life insurance)
Q. Both the parties to a contract must agree and
understand the same thing and in the same sense which is called
Ans. Consensus ad idem.
Q. A contract exists between insurer and proposes when
Ans. A proposal has been accepted by insurer.
33. A life
insurance policy can only be made paid up if what policy feature exists?
Ans. Savings element.
Q. The main reason
why a life insurance proposal form often asks for the proposer’s height is to
enable a reasonable comparison with the proposer’s:
Ans. weight.
Q. The concept of
indemnity is based on the key principle that policyholders should be prevented
Ans. profiting from
Q. Where annually
increasing flexible premiums operate under a life insurance policy, what rate
of increase will generally apply?
Ans. 5.0%
Q. The amount paid
out by the insurer under a 30-year life insurance policy exceeded the sum
insured plus revisionary bonuses. The excess is likely to result from?
Ans. terminal bonus.
Q. What normally
happens to the sum insured under a life insurance policy once the period of the
lien expires?
Ans. It increases.
Q. The main
protection need of a 19-year-old is most likely to be:
Ans. self-protection.
Q. The need for
investment advice from an insurance agent normally results from what overriding
key factor?
Ans. Lack of market
Q. When undertaking
financial planning for individuals without capital, what savings need is likely
to beaddressed in every single case?
Ans. Emergency funds.
Q. Naveen is
addressing his income needs by investing directly in corporate bonds. In what
form will he receivethis income?
Ans. Interest payments.
Q. Raunak recently
arranged a life insurance policy under which he is classed as the master
policyholder. This addresses his role as:
Ans. an employer.
Q. Nikhil is looking
for tax-efficient savings methods for his disposable income. He is considering
an equity-linked savings scheme, national savings certificates and an endowment
insurance policy. Premiums for which of these investments are allowed to be
deducted from his taxable income?
Ans. The equity-linked savings scheme, the national savings certificates and the endowment insurance policy.
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Q. An investor holds
a wide range of shares. If the Reserve Bank of India announces a series of
significantinterest rate increases, the prices of these shares are most likely
Ans. decrease.
Q. The changes in
healthcare costs over recent years has had what general impact on healthcare
Ans. A rise in the need
for cover.
Q. What is the main objective of taking the life
insurance policy?
Ans. Protection
Q. Any assets, which are no longer suitable or are
earning fewer returns than expected, should be?
Ans.Cashed in for investment into other assets.
Q. The business of insurance is connected with?
Ans. Economic value of assets.
Q. Appointer’s Role
Ans. When nominee is minor
Q. Payment of premium and sum assured are laid down in
Ans. Operative clause
Q. Which clause lays down the mutual obligation the parties
regarding, payment of premium by life assured & payment sum assured by?
Ans. Operative clause
Q. The general need
for a pension policy results from the existence of what key problem?
Ans. Anticipated fall
in income.
Q. The sole focus
during a client’s fact-find session was healthcare requirements and estate
planning. Which main life stage is he most likely to fall into?
Ans. Retirement.
Q. Apart from the
salary level, what other key feature of Alok’s job is likely to have a major
impact on the level ofhis pension, life insurance and health insurance needs?
Ans. Whether the job is
in the public or private sector.
Q. In the context of
financial planning, how is the difference between real needs and perceived
needs bestdescribed?
Ans. Real needs are actual
needs and perceived needs are based on a client’s thoughts and desires.
Q. To fulfil the
‘know your customer’ procedures, at what stage in the financial planning
process is theinsurance agent most likely to request a copy of the customer’s
Ans. At the end of the
presentation meeting.
Q. An agent has
recommended an investment product with non-guaranteed benefits. The benefit
illustration passed to his client will therefore use assumed annual growth
rates of:
Ans. 6% and 10%
Q. The main purpose
of including commission details in the documentation to clients is to increase:
Ans. transparency.
Q. Yash pays health
insurance premiums for himself, his wife and his two children aged 13 and 8.
Premiums for which of these individuals will qualify as deductible from Yash’s
taxable income?
Ans. Yash, his wife and
both his children.
Q. A client has been
recommended a low-risk investment product by his insurance agent, but the
client insiststhe agent arranges for the money to be invested in a higher risk
product. What action should the agent take?
Ans. Carry out these
instructions, but document that this contradicts the recommendation.
Q. An insurance agent
has advised a client to surrender an existing investment product and start a
newinvestment product. What key indicator should be used to determine whether
this advice was ethical?
Ans. The best interests
of the client.
Q. What key impact
will low persistency levels have on insurance policyholders?
Ans. A reduction in
Q. A claim under a term
insurance policy is submitted by an individual who has substantially
understated his age.As an alternative to paying out the full claim the insurer
is most likely to take what action?
Ans. Reject the claim
on the grounds of misrepresentation.
Q. On the maturity of
an endowment policy, a reduced sum insured is paid out. What is the most likely
reasonfor this?
Ans. The policy was
made paid up during the policy term.
Q. What key event is
most likely to prevent insurers from ensuring that each insured person brings a
fairpremium to the pool for the risk presented?
Ans. A fraudulent
Q. An insurance agent
served an insurer continually and exclusively for 20 years, after which he
retired fromwork. In accordance with Section 44 of the Insurance Act 1938,
renewal commission due to him after the termination of his agency can only be
withheld if:
Ans. there is fraud
Q. Legislation gives
which body the power to specify a code of conduct for surveyors and loss
Ans. Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority.
Q. What key legacy
has been left by the activities of the Tariff Advisory Committee?
Ans. Standard policy
Q. Raju died 5 years
before the end of his 30-year endowment insurance policy. What factor most
likely causedthe insurer to investigate the claim using the early death claim
Ans. The policy had
lapsed and was revived shortly before he died.
Q. Apart from
conducting a comprehensive fact-find, the other main action that an insurance
agent can take atoutset to minimise the risk of subsequently receiving a
customer complaint is to:
provide detailed disclosures.
Q. An award made by
the Insurance Ombudsman will only be binding on the insurer if the:
Ans. complainant
accepts this decision.
Q. A policyholder asked
his insurance agent for guidance on submitting a claim for the maturity benefit
under hislife insurance policy. Due to pressure of work, the agent declined to
assist. Consequently, this action is deemed to be a breach of the:
Ans. Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority’s Code of Conduct.
Q. During the process
of applying for life insurance, the customer discloses confidentially to the
insurance agentthat he had a mild stroke four months ago, however this was NOT
mentioned on the application form. In accordance with the Insurance Regulatory
and Development Authority’s Code of Conduct, how should the insurance agent
deal with this information?
Ans. Notify the insurer
of this matter.
Q. Which of the
following cannot be insured?
Ans. Speculative risk
Q. Mr. Kunal used to
participate in Car race. While taking up the Insurance policy he disclosed this
information. What kind of hazard does it refers to:
Ans. Occupational
Q. On 6thAugust,
there was a typhoon. Mr.Augustin who had insurance died in typhoon. Now how
willthe insurance company categorise this risk?
Ans. Under the category
of Pure risk
Q. Law of large
numbers is worked out by which of the following?
Ans. Pooling of risk
Q. Pure risks are
those risks where there is:
Ans. Loss or no loss
Q. The type of risk
that can be insured against is:
Ans. Pure Risk
Q. Mr.Kunal used to
participate in Car race. While taking up the Insurance policy he disclosed this
information. What kind of hazard does it refers to:
Ans. Physical hazardorOccupational
Q. Which statement is
Ans. lung cancer is
peril and smoking is a hazard
Q. There are two
different groups of 100 people. The first group isbetween 30-39 years of age.
Of these one person dies before the age26 Probability of death in this case is
1%. The second group is aged 60-69 years of these 15 die before the age of the
probability of death in this case is 15%.
Ans. This shows that
frequency of death is high in higher age
Q. Insurance contract
is valid because?
Ans. Contract
enforceable by law
Q. Which of the
following types of insurances is not a contract of indemnity:
Ans. Life Insurance
Q. Ajay does not
consume alcohol for a month to not detect during medical test is:
Ans. Concealment of a
material fact
Q. Amit is
illiterate. He wants to take policy his friend Surya help him in knowing the
question and filling the proposal form. What extra requirement is required in
this case:
Ans. Left thumb
Impression of Amit along with a declaration of his friend
Q. Insurance companies
apply law of _________ to determine the cost of total annual claims:
Ans. Large numbers
Q. Mr. Josh was
filling the proposal form but as his mother was sitting beside him even though
hedrinks and smokes he ticked “NO” in smoking & drinking column of proposal
form. This indicates?
Ans. He has breached
the duty of disclosure by concealing the facts
Q. Which of the
following is not a type of bonus?
Ans. Inception bonus
Q. The most important
features of a Valid contract are:
Ans. Consideration and
legality of object
Q. Rohit is working as sales manager with an FMCG
company. His job requires him to travel across states. He is planning of
covering his additional risk involved while traveling and a saving plan. What
suggestion would you give him as an agent?
Ans. To purchase an accidental rider with a saving
insurance plan.
Q. To sale focus during a client’s fact find session was
healthcare requirements and estate planning.
Ans. Retirement
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Q. In which at the recognized life stages an individual
does not require any protection cover
Ans. Childhood
Q. Ajay and Vijay both are unmarried. Ajay has dependant
parent. Which need Ajay must take care of on priority, although that will not
be a priority for Vijay.
Ans. Health insurance for parents
Q. Mr. Nikhil makes
an offer of Rs 20 lacs SA to Insurance Co. XYZ. Inresponse to this Insurance
co. XYZ offers a SA to the tune of max. Rs10 lacs (counter offer). At this
stage Nikhil and Company X can enterinto a valid contract?
Ans. Nikhil and
Insurance Co. can enter into a valid contract if Nikhil unconditionally accepts
the offer.
Q. Policy taken by
husband and wife jointly is called as…..:
Ans. Joint life policy
Q. Mr.Akash filled
the proposal form but before submitting to the company he discussed with
theagent that he is not sure whether he can pay for 15 years. This attitude
affects which part of thecontract?
Ans. Capacity to
Q. Human life is
exposed to different type of risks. Which of these risks is not currently
covered by Indian insurers?
Ans. Unemployment not
caused by disability
Q. Rishabh Agarwal is
a 40 years businessman. He leads a healthylifestyle. Every morning he practices
yoga and abstains from smoking tobacco and alcohol. There is a family history
of diabetes and both hisparents suffer from it. But Rishabh himself is not
diagnosed withdiabetes. Based on this case which of the following statement is
Ans. He can be given
insurance as he maintains a healthy lifestyle
Q. Which of the
following cannot be insured?
Ans. Speculative risk
Q. If a person
consumes alcohol regularly and does not disclose the same in proposal form -
what is the type of hazard?
Ans. Moral
Q. In insurance terms
the risk of suffering a disability is best described as what type of risk?
Ans. Financial.
Q. Akshat is a
relatively cautious person. In insurance terms this will normally increase the
likelihood that he will:
Ans. require insurance
Q. Level of risk is
determined by:
The probability of the
occurrence of a certain event and the extent of losses likely to Ans. be suffered due to the occurrence of the event.
Q. Which of the
following risks are insurable?
Ans. Financial Risk
Q. Insurance
Companies provide cover only for:
Specified Risks
Q. Insurance relates
Ans. Pooling of risk
Q. Loss of Life
Ans. To provide a
steady source of income to dependants after death
Q. A hazard can be
defined as:
Ans. A condition that
either increases the chance of a peril happening or cause its effect to be
Q. Which of the
following is individual’s assets?
Ans. His properties
Q. The type of risk
that can be insured against is:
Ans. Pure Risk
Q. Which category of
insurance has nature of low frequency but high severity?
Ans. Airline Insurance
Q. Law of large
numbers is worked out by which of the following?
Ans. Pooling of risk
Q. Policy document
Ans. Legal contract
Q. In life insurance
which principle does not apply?
Ans. Insurable interest
Q. Kailash is working
with an MNC and has a co-worker Ramesh who helps him in his work. In the
absence of Ramesh Kailash’s work would suffer significantly and he has to work
on his own to complete his assignments. Which of the statement is true with
regard to
Ans. Insurable Interest
exists between Kailash and Ramesh
Q. What amount of
insurable interest does an individual have in his own life?
Ans. Up to the sum
assured taken in the plan
Q. The insurance
company issues ________________ after accepting proposal
Ans. First Premium
Q. The __________ of
the policy states that the proposal declaration signed by the proposer forms
the basis of contract:
Ans. Preamble
Q. Certificate from
the village panchayat:
Ans. Will be considered
as non-standard age proof
Q. What are the 2
types of Age proof documents?
Ans. Standard & Non-Standard
Q. Who fills up
proposal form?
Ans. Proposer
Q. When the life
assured and the policyholder are one and the same how the policy will be known?
Ans. Policy on own life
refers to the transfer of the title rights interest of the insurance policy
Ans. Assignment
Q. Appointee's role
Ans. when Nominee is
Q. Even though the
insurer may avoid the contract entirely “ab initio” for the reason of
misrepresentation or non-disclosure the Insurance Act 1938 gives a protection to
the policy holder making the policy in disputable after 2 years (excepting for
Ans. Sec. 45 of the
Insurance Act 1938
Q. Shamsher has a
health insurance policy of 1,00,000 individually and from his company for
2,00,000. He falls sick and got hospitalized. His hospital bill ran to 50,000.
He claimed this amountfrom his individual policy. Also, he placed the request
with his company. His company has rejected the claim. What type of contract is
Ans. Deemed contract
Q. Nomination can be
in favor of how many people?
Ans. It can be any
Q. Insurable Interest
is deemed to exist in which of the following relationship?(i) Husband and wife
(ii) Parent and children (iii) Employer and employees(iv) Brother and Sister.
Ans. (i), (ii) and
Q. If a policy holder
is not satisfied with terms and conditions of the policy which she/he has
received, then there is an option to return policy for cancellation
within...days from the date of receipt for policy by policyholder.
Ans. 15Days
Q. Types of
Ans. Absolute &
Q. Material facts are
Ans. That would
influence the decision of the underwriter in accepting the risk
Q. The main supplier
of the material facts is:
Ans. The proposer as he
is alone in the possession of full information about himself
Q. Duty of disclosure
of material information rests with:
Ans. Insured and
Insurer both
Q. In case of life
insurance, the insurable interest should exist:
Ans. At the time of
taking the policy
Q. A & B in
enters into a Contract & B accepts the Contract with a condition. Will this
be considered as a Contract Between A& B?
Ans. Contract is
created only when the acceptance is unconditional.
Q. Proposal form
& the Declaration signed by the proposer are called of the contract: Ans. Basis
Q. In which kind of
policy the insurable interest should exist at the time of claim:
Ans. Marine insurance
Q. When does
insurable interest exist in a life insurance contract?
Ans. inception of the
Q. ______________
comes into existence when one party makes an offer which the other party
accepts unconditionally:
Ans. A Contract
Q.. If a contract is
signed by a 15 years old boy this contract will be:
Ans. Invalid
Q. Mr. ABC buying
Term insurance policy insurer should mention Ombudsman address in which part of
policy document?
Ans. Information
Q. If a contract is
signed by a 15 years old boy this contract will be:
Ans. Invalid
Q. The condition that
the policy holder should pay the premiums regularly is mentioned in:
Ans. All of the above
Q. For Quarterly mode
of payment days of grace is:
Ans. 30 days
Q. Both the parties
to a contract must agree and understand the same thing and in the same sense
which is called:
Ans. Consensusadidem
Q. Who should attest
the thumb impression on the proposal form?
Ans. Proposer himself
Q. The process of
making changes in the terms and conditions of the policy once it is issued is
Ans. Amendments
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Q. Utmost good faith
envisages a positive duty to disclose accurately all information that are:
Ans. Facts which are
material to the risk being proposed
Q. The process of
making changes in the terms and conditions of the policy once it is issued is
Ans. Endorsements
Q. When an interim
bonus is paid under with profit policy This normally represents a bonus
covering what period:
Ans. Previous valuation
date to claim date
Q. The insurance
contract is mainly an
Ans. Agreement
enforceable by law
Q. Which of the
following falls under voidable contract?
Ans. Fraud
Q. A policy has two
nominations. What amount should be given to the two nominees?
Ans. There is no
specified limit like that
Q. Till what period
is interim bonus valid:
Ans. Till the next
declaration of bonus
Q. Insurable interest
on one's own life limited upto:
20 times of Gross Annual
Ans. Unlimited
Q. Except Surrender
how one policy holder can transfer money to a third party barring Nominee?
Ans. By doing
Q. Two people with
same term one person had more premium than other because:
Ans. Health detioration
Q. Moral Hazard
reflects the:
Ans. Habits and hobbies
of proposer
Q. Annual premium of
an insurance product is Rs. 32,000 with 4% loading on Quarterly mode of
payment. What is the quarterly premium?
Ans. 8,320
Q. Income replacement
methods equates Human Life Value (HLV) to:
Present value of future
Q. If the annual
premium for a plan is 32000 and a frequency loading of 4% is added in a
quarterly premium what is the instalment premium that needs to be paid.
Ans. 8,320
Q. A human being is:
Ans. All of the above
Q. What is the
special report that is asked by the underwriter from the officer of the
Ans. Client
confidential report
Q. What role an agent
is likely to play in the process of underwriting?
Ans. To give truthful
report to the insurer all about the life to be insured
Q. Who is the primary
Ans. Agent
Q. Mr Sunil is doing
premium calculation for his company as per which authority is his profession
related to:
Ans. Council of
Q. In a 20 year with
profit policy persistency Bonus is paid at the end of:
Ans. 20th year
Q. Two friends have
taken same policy but their premiums are different. Why?
Ans. All the above
Q. Compound
reversionary bonus of 4% will be calculated on:
Ans. Sum assured plus
bonus till date
Q. As per the norms
of risk assessment U/W both the parents of a policy holder died in their early
30s due to Heart disease. What is the risk assessed?
Ans. Physical Hazard
Q. While calculating
Human life value (HLV) two components need to be kept in mind the one is take
home salary and other is:
Ans. Estimated life
Q. Claim was settled.
However full Sum assured not paid though the policy was in force due to:
Q. HLV is used as a
Yardstick to determine:
The correct cover needed to
compensate economical loss to their family in case of Ans. death of the earning member
Q. In insurance HLV
is a known abbreviated term. How the meaning of HLV can best be described in
relation to an income earning proposer?
Present value of the future
earnings less personal expenses is the HLV of the proposer
Q. Mr A wants
insurance cover. But he is drinks alcohol frequently. What kind of hazard you
may categorize?
Ans. moral hazard
Q. Insurer appoints a
candidate of this professional qualification who decides the amount of premium
in insurance products:
Ans. Actuary
Q. While calculating
HLV along with future income no of years of work increments in salary what is
also to be taken in to account?
Ans. Discount rate
Q. Mr. A has a son
who is 5 yrs and he wants to save funds for his education. Both the parents are
risk adverse. Which plan is suitable for them?
Ans. Endowment Plan
Q. Most plans offered
by Indian insurance companies are a combination of:
Ans. Term insurance and
whole life
Q. Why Annuities are
reverse of Life Insurance?
Ans. Annuities cover
contingency of Survival whereas Life insurance covers the contingency of death
Q. Main Protection
need of a client...:
Ans. Protection of
Q. Basic elements of
an insurance plan are:
Ans. Maturity benefit
and Death cover
Q. When maturity
benefit is payable under a joint life Plan?
Ans. On survival of
both or either of the life insured.
Q. Which plan covers
the risk of living too long?
Ans. Retirement plan
Q. Income Tax Act
1961 provides for tax relief for various investments under Section?
Ans. 80C
Q. Group insurance is
a contract between…:
Ans. Employer &
Insurance Company
Q. Who deducts
premium in Salary Savings Scheme?
Ans. Employer
Q. The date on which
the Title/rights under a policy passes on to the child on age 18 is called….:
Ans. Vesting date
Q. Which plan is
suitable for those who cannot afford higher premium now but can afford to pay
higher premium later?
Ans. Convertible Term
Q. Which is the most
basic simplest & cheapest form of insurance?
Ans. Term insurance
Q. Why insurance
needs require to be prioritized?
Ans. Resources are
Q. Mr A submitted the
proposal form. When will the risk begins for the company?
Ans. On receipt of
payment by agent
Q. Two People of the
same policy Term one person pays more premium because:
Ans. Higher Age
Q. What is maximum
level of Insurance premium for which Income Tax benefit is available:
Ans. 1,00,000
Q. Client has taken
Joint Life Policy. Who are responsible in the contract?
Ans. Proposer &
Q. Term insurance if
best suited for the following need
Ans. education needs
Q. A Couple has 7
year kid & wants to Buy some Policy. Which is the best suitable policy for
his Son?
Ans. Child insurance
plans can be taken out in the form of endowment plans money-back plans or ULIPs
Q. Children policies
come in 3 forms. What are they?
Ans. Endowment Money
back & ULIP
Q. At the time of
maturity quarter of the SA is paid though the policy was in force:
Ans. Money back
Q. Mr. X wants a life
cover for the term of 20 Yrs. Also, he wants a modest amount if he survives
through the term. Which plan should he buy?
Ans. Endowment plan
Q. Hari wants a
constant life cover till his 31st birthday. But he can’t afford to pay high
premiums. The best suited products for him would be:
Ans. Term plan
Q. The option to
receive maturity benefit in instalments under a ULIP is called..:
Ans. Settlement Option
Q. The period which
does not provide risk cover in a Child plan is called…:
Ans. Commencement
Q. To avail income
tax exemption for premium paid sum insured under a policy should be...:
Ans. 10 times
Q. Which life
insurance plan offers both the benefits of Risk cover and Investment?
Endowment policy
Q. In endowment
policy, we give SA + Bonus- :
Ans. Outstanding
Q. What is Inflation?
Ans. Increase in cost
of living
Q. Samir is married
and he has only one partner with dependant parents and no child. Which should
be his priority?
Ans. income protection
Q. With-profit
policies can be given to:
Ans. Individual
Q. Out of all the
factors that affect the needs of different life stages of an individual which
is the most common factor that is likely to exist throughout the life span of
an individual?
Ans. Liability
Q. There is a family
of four people both the husband and the wife are working. They have two kinds
aged 6 and 11 years. There is a tragedy in the family and the husband passes
away due to an accident. Which of the following saving options should the wife
go for post the death of her husband?
Ans. Children education
Q. A family
consisting of husband wife and two children aged 6 and 10 what kind of
insurance plan can be suggested?
Ans. All of the above
Q. The main
protection need of a 19-year-old is most likely to be:
Ans. self-protection.
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Q. A Couple has 7
years old son what solution they would be looking for:
Ans. child education
Q. Naresh is married
and his daughter Sneha is 3 years old. Which plan can he take?
Ans. Term &
Children plan
Q. What is the reason
for which a self-employed should take an insurance plan?
Ans. Control unstable
Q. What to be
considered while taking first policy?
Ans. All of the above
Q. Which one is not
an asset?
Ans. House loan
Q. Mr. X fact find
shows he need a term insurance for his future income protection, a family
health plan to cover medical needs, a children’s plan to cover his son’s
education and a endowment policy for his daughter’s marriage. Which of these is
the first priority?
Ans. Term Insurance
Q. The sole focus
during a client’s fact-find session was healthcare requirements and estate
planning which main life stage is he most likely to fall into?
Ans. retirement
Q. Rajiv is married
& has 4-year old son. Which insurance plan is suitable for him?
Ans. Child plan
Q. Akash is an
unmarried person and employed with company ABC and drawing a handsome salary.
He has no liabilities. What kind of plan can be suggested to him?
Q. Danny is married
and has two children aged 6 and 10. His parents are aged 68 and 70. who all can
be included in Family floater option of a health plan
Ans. Danny his wife and
his children
Q. Rupkumar wants to
take commutation option. What is the maximum amount he can withdraw?
Ans. One third
Q. If there is no
claim in a year, then what will be the benefit to the customer as No Claim
Ans. Discount in next
year premium
Q. While calculating
the pension figures required at the time of retirement, two factors should be
considered while planning. One is taxation and other is:
Ans. inflation
Q. How riders will
help the customer in life insurance?
Ans. Allows
policyholders to customize their insurance cover with additional benefits
Q. Yash wants to take
open market option in pension plan. What is the benefit?
Ans. To switch the
underlying fund
Q. Critical illness
rider was taken and the rider benefit has been claimed. The rider benefit now
Ans. Terminated
Q. Health insurance
is needed because:
Ans. cost of healthcare
has increased significantly
Q. The premium on all
riders put together should not exceed:
Ans. 30% of the premium
on the base policy
Q. In a health
insurance plan, what feature is likely to cause the insurer to decrease the
renewal premium:
Ans. No claim bonus
Q. The premium for
accidental death benefit rider must not exceed:
Ans. 30% of base policy
Q. Rajan and Rani has
taken a family floater health insurance plan of 4 lacs. They met with an
accident and had a hospital bell of 6 lacs. Which is true for this situation?
Ans. the maximum cover
will be of 4 lacs
Q. Ramesh wants to
buy 15 years pension plan for retirement. While calculating, gaps required at
the end the gratuity amount was completely ignored because he is:
Ans. self employed
Q. Customer has opted
for a 5 years guaranteed annuity option what will happen to annuity if the
customer survives for 5 years after the end of guaranteed period:
Ans. Till he dies
Q. What frequencies
can one take annuity?
Ans. Monthly, quarterly,
Half-yearly, Yearly
Q. All ULIP pension
plans have to give how much percentage as Guaranteed returns:
Ans. 0.045
Q. In what proportion
is the cover in a family floater plan shared:
Ans. no proportion
In term insurance, if critical
illness rider claim happens then what will happen to existing policy:
Ans. CI benefit will
Q. A person retiring
within 3 months need return as pension. What kind of investment plan he need to
Ans. Immediate annuity
Q. Vishal and Sandeep
applied for a health plan in XYZ Life Insurance company. Vishal is asked to
undergo medical check-up. But Sandeep is not asked to do so. What will be most
possible reason?
Ans. Sandeep has taken
another policy from XYZ life insurance company
Q. Family floater
health insurance plan covers:
Ans. all members of a
Q. An individual need
a lump sum at the age of retirement. The amount he need to
invest annuity for the goal
will depend on:
Ans. all the above
Q. Waiting period in
a health insurance policy is to address:
Ans. Pre-existing
Q. Commutation is a
feature of which type of policy:
Ans. Annuity
Q. A person has taken
a term insurance of 4 lacs. What is the maximum critical illness rider he can
Ans. 4 lac
Q. The rider which is
given by the insurance company and which pays for the treatment cost in the
event of hospitalization of the insured person is called?
Ans. hospitalization
care rider
Q. What are the
benefits to the policyholder under surgical care rider?
Ans. Treatment cost of
surgery subject to terms and conditions
Q. A person Wants to
invest in a FD for Tax benefit. How many years he has to take the term of the
Ans. 5 year
Q. What is the limit
of tax benefit that can be availed of under Section 80C?
Ans. 1,00,000/-
Q. What is the
advantage of converting physical gold assets to gold ETFs?
Ans. Liquidity
Q. From which
investment, a person will have Capital Growth and Dividend?
Ans. Equity
Q. What is purpose of
investing money in debt mutual fund?
Ans. fixed Income
Q. Under which
section of the Income Tax Act can an individual get a deduction from taxable
income for Health Insurance?
Ans. 80D
Q. Ajit and Vijit are
2 friends paying same premium for health insurance. Why Ajit has higher tax
exemption eligibility than Vijit?
Ans. Ajit is above 65
years of age whereas Vijit is below 65
Q. Which is NOT the
duty of Life Insurance Council?
Ans. Fixing price of
insurance products
Q. __________ has
laid down the Code of Conduct for all agents:
Ans. Insurance
Regulatory & Development Authority
Q. In underwriting the economic value of the person is
determined by what
Ans. Human life value
Q. Mr. Kumar decides that is employees should have SSS
scheme what type of plan is SSS
Ans. Not a specific plan
Q. In cumulative bank deposit the interest that in
normally compounded on what basis.
Ans. Quarterly
Q. Anand received post taxation 5% return on his fixed
deposit in bank if his net return is 3%, what can be the reason
Ans. Inflation
Q. Which is the primary saving need among all saving
Ans. Contingency/Emergency fund.
CSC VLE Insurance & RAP Exam Question Answer Key 2021
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Q. An Investor has
invested in Debt mutual fund he is ideally looking for:
Ans. Savings Income
Q. Regular savings
creates a fund to meet adverse incidents in future. For drawing a financial
plan for savings needs of an individual without capital what is the Fund which
comes first?
Ans. Retirement fund
Q. Why IRDA allows
free look in period cancellation?
Ans. To save clients
from unethical agents
Q. Embedding Ethics
means that:
Ans. Ensuring practice
of ethics at all levels consistently and coherently
Q. Raju is a
certified license holder under what circumstances he needs to hold his
certified license with him that is issued by IRDA:
Ans. under all
Q. Who monitors and
evaluates the ethical practices of insurers?
Ans. Both the above
Q. A policy has been
rejected by the company under direct intimation to the customer and copy to the
Agent. What is the next action of the Agent?
Ans. He has to explain
the reasons for rejection to the customer
Q. More surrenders,
lapses and cancellations during free look in period raises doubts that the
Company is doing _______sales:
Ans. Unethical
Q. To redress the
Grievances of the Policy Holders, a number of authorities have been formed.
Which of the following authorities has been empowered to hear the complaints
and adjudicate?
Ans. Consumer Grievance
Redressal Forum
Q. Agent offering rebate
may be fined with:
Ans. Rs. 500
Q. AML program of every
insurer to include ___________ apart from procedure, training and audit:
Ans. Appointment of
Principal Compliance Officer
Q. To ensure that the
premiums are paid out of a legitimate source of funds, cash is accepted:
Ans. Upto 1,00,000
Q. Ethical practices
lead to…...:
Ans. Positive image for
the company
Q. An Insurer
advertises through daily newspaper. What type of marketing is this?
Ans. Direct Selling
Q. Investments by NRI
(Non-Resident Indian) will be:
Ans. High Risk
Q. An advisor while
explaining the policy and to sell he accepts to give a part of his Agent's
Commission. What is the limit?
Ans. He cannot offer
any commission
Q. The authority of
COPA is limited to what amount at the District Level?
Ans. 20,00,000 /-
Q. It is the bounden
duty of the Insurers to protect the interest of their policyholders from
proposal acceptance to claim payment because of the:
Ans. Regulations of
Q. Who can cancel the licence
of an Agent if Agent violates code of conduct?
Ans. Life Insurance Council
Q. In MWP Act policy
claim is paid to:
Ans. Trustee
Q. Consumer Forum at
District level will hear complaints upto:
Ans. 20 lakhs
Q. For renewal of licence an
Agent has to complete practical training for �. Hours
Ans. 25 hours
Q. How much is the
rebate allowed by IRDA to client?
Ans. Nil
Q. If a policy is
endorsed under MWP Act the beneficiaries are wife and
Ans. Children
Q. Ravi was expecting
a claim amount of Rs. 12,00,000 from insurer. But it was rejected. He feels
that the claim has been repudiated on wrong reasons. Which consumer forum can
he approach?
Ans. District Level
Q. An Agent offered
his client that 75% of the first premium will be paid by him out of commission.
This offer of rebate on premium will be treated as: :
Ans. a breach of IRDA's
code of conduct
Q. Mr.Suresh dies one
day before the grace period without paying the premium. What is the claim
Ans. Sum Assured less the undue premium
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Q. What is the
maturity claim payable under a ROP?
Ans. Return of Premium
Q. What is the main
requirement for settlement of a death claim?
Ans. Proof of death
Q. What is a Claim?
Ans. A demand of the
Insured to the Insurer
Q. What is recovery
made from final claim settlement?
Ans. All the above
Q. An Insurer
advertises through daily newspaper. What type of marketing is this?
Ans. Direct Selling
Q. Payment of
premiums by cash cannot exceed ____________:
Ans. Rs. 1,00,000
Q. The controller of
insurance in India is:
Q. Which is a claim?
Ans. All the above
Q. If there is no
insurable interest, then the contract is:
Ans. Invalid contract
Q. Client died in
89th day from DOC. In which category he is not eligible for claim?
Ans. Suicide
Q. When an insurance
claim is valid?
Ans. All the above
Q. Mr. Customer has
taken a policy and died before receiving the document which was dispatched by
the insurer? He is:
Ans. Entitled for full
Q. When annuity
payments start under a deferred annuity plan?
Ans. Vesting date
Q. What is the death
claim payable in case of ULIP?
Ans. Sum insured or
Fund Value whichever is higher
Q. In a claim the
customer got much more than theSumAssured. Why?
Ans. Nature of payment
Q. If a person is
absconding, then after how many years will he be considered as dead & SA
paid to the nominee:
Ans. 7 years
Q. A contract entered
into a drunken person is ….:
Ans. Invalid contract
Q. A contract which
has no effect on either of the contracting parties is:
Ans. Void contract
Q. What is the
maximum time in which the insurer should settle a claim when all documents are
Ans. 30 days
Q. When insurance
contract is voidable?
Ans. Both the above
Q. Without submitting
any form of claim a life insurance policy holder received payments of maturity
then what type of policy he is holding?
Ans. Money Back
Q. If notification of
death is received 3 years after death then the claim can be declared:
Ans. Death claim
Q. What is the death
benefit if the person has multiple sums assured under different policies?
Ans. Sum of all SA in
different policies
Q. In case of
confirmed accidental death, the benefit is paid in the form of:
Ans. Lump sum assured
plus accidental sum assured
Q. If the
policyholder dies before receipt of Survival Benefit claim then to whom the
Survival Benefit claim monies are payable?
Ans. Nominee
Q. The delay in
settling claim by any insurance co as per IRDA norms has to pay....% if the
present bank interest rate is 5.2%:
Ans. 0.07%
Q. The policy under
death claim is paid regardless of when death occurs is:
Ans. Endowment plan
Q. The latin term
'void ab initio' means:
Ans. null& void
from the beginning
Q. No of days in
which the death claim has to be paid after the necessary documents have been
Ans. 30 days
Q. How much
proportion of accumulated fund can be commuted in case of annuity policies?
Ans. Upto 1/3rd
Q. If a person is
missing, then after how many years will he be considered as dead & SA paid
to the nominee?
Ans. 7
Q. In case of
Conditional Assignment, the claim monies can be paid to:
Ans. Assignee
Q. In case of a Paid
up policy, what is the claim payable?
Ans. Fund value
Q. Third party
insurance is compulsory under:
Ans. Motor vehicle Act
Q. The Ombudsman can:
Ans. All the above
Q. In case of no
fault liability the minimum compensation that will be paid to the person
injured due to motor vehicle without proving the fault of the driver is
Ans. Rs. 50,000/- for
death and Rs 25,000/-for grievous hurt.
Q. A customer can
approach an Ombudsman if:
Ans. The value of the
claim is not above Rs 20 lakh
Q. The Consumer
Protection Act was passed in:
Ans. 1986
Q. Protection of
Policyholder's Interest guidelines is published by:
Q. LokAdalats were
set up in June, 1985 with a view to:
Ans. All the above
Q. HIT and run cases
Ans. Vehicle and driver
disappear after the accident and the liability is not known
Q. Consumer Court is
Ans. Quasi-judicial
Q. A defect or
deficiency is a:
Ans. All the above
Q. A Life Insurance
Policy should contain:
Ans. All the above
Q. Free look option
should be exercised within:
Ans. 15 days of
purchase of the policy
Q. A survey or should
submit his report generally within:
Ans. Within 30 days of
Q. A General
Insurance policy should contain:
Ans. All the above
Ans. Q. A Policy holder
can register the following in his Policy:
All the above
Q. In case of delay
of Claim settlement under Life Insurance Policy the company shall:
Ans. Pay interest on
the claim amount at a rate which is 2% above the bank rate
Q. In case of General
Insurance Policy Claims, the company will appoint:
Ans. Surveyor for
assessing the loss
Q. When a customer
cancels a policy under Free Look condition, the insurer will refund:
Ans. The risk premium;
Q. Medical
underwriting is necessary to prevent people from purchasing health insurance
coverage only when they are:
Ans. All the above
Q. Policy Bond is a
very important document for the customer because:
Ans. It is a legal
document containing the terms and conditions of the contract.
Q. Free look of an
Insurance Policy means:
Ans. Policy holder can
cancel the policy after purchasing it.
Q. RAP should NOT:
Ans. All the above
Q. RAP should conduct
ethical business with:
Ans. All the above
Q. An underwriter is
a professional who has the ability to:
Ans. Understand the
risks to which the underwritten object is exposed
Q. After sales
service in insurance includes the following:
Ans. All the above
Q. Cold canvassing in
Insurance refers to:
Ans. Meeting a person
not known and with whom he does not have any introduction or any meeting in
Q. Agents act as an
intermediary between the:
Ans. Insurer and the
Q. An Insurance
company should be a:
Ans. All the above
Q. Corporate agent Is
a corporate body which acts as:
Ans. Agent for all Life
and General Insurers
Q. A VLE can sell
policies of:
Ans. All Life, Non-Life
and health Insurance companies
Q. A public-sector
company specialized for Risk Related to Crop insurance is:
Ans. Agriculture
Insurance Company of India Limited
Q. A public-sector
companythatspecializesin risks related to export credit is:
Ans. Export Credit and
Guarantee Corporation of India
Q. Who manages the
employees provident fund?
Q. Unethical selling
Ans. All the above
Q. RAP can do the
Ans. All the above
Q. Fact finding sheet
allows the agent to:
Ans. Analyse customer
Q. The rates of
assumed annual growth to be shared in the benefit illustration has been decided
by which of the authority:
Ans. Life Insurance
Q. In order to fulfil
the Know Your Customer Procedures, at what stage in the financial planning
process is the insurance agent most likely to request a copy of the Customer's
Ans. At the end of the
presentation meeting
Q. A fact find is not
intended to:
Ans. Reveal client's
personal secrets
Q. The agent can use
the benefit illustration document to show the client the projected growth of
investment at the rate of:
Ans. 6% and 10%
Q. The client's job
profile and workplace play an important role in:
Ans. Fact find
Q. During fact
finding what will be the next step after identifying clients need:
Ans. prioritize client
Q. What should an
agent do in order to understand the mental state of client in respect to his
investment in savings products
Ans. Reviewing his
existing Investments
Q. Assessment of
needs does not include:
Ans. priorities of the
Q. Which plan should
an agent suggest?
Ans. A plan based on
needs of the client
Q. What is the period of award
passed to the customer decided by ombudsman?
Ans. 3 months
Q. For Logging a
policy which document is more preferable - Baptism Certificate or
Ans. Baptism
Q. What is the min
age to enter into the contract of insurance?
Ans. 18
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Q. Why does an
insurer insist on age proof document? To assess:
Ans. Risk assessment
Q. In a joint life
plan for a husband & wife, where should the agent' principal loyalty lay?
Ans. Insurance company,
husband & wife
Q. Term insurance if
best suited for the following need:
Ans. home loan
Q. What is to be
considered while taking first policy?
Ans. All the above
Q. In fact-finding,
why client's income analysis is necessary?
To do financial planning
according to the needs of the client
Q. What does the
liabilities section list contain?
Ans. List the amounts
of all the client's debts
Q. The
advantage/disadvantages within cumulative and fixed traditional deposits
pertain to-
Ans. Returns
Q. Mr.Ramesh invested
Rs:50000 in pension policy, what is the percentage he can avail as:
Ans. will depend on his
income slab
Q. A satisfied client
will lead to:
Ans. All the above
Q. Insurance Contract
without any Insurable Interest will result?
Ans. Wagering Contract
Q. Benefit
illustration is used to:
Ans. Show the client
the nature of the product and its benefits
Q. Suresh wants to
transfer his physical gold to gold exchange traded fund in relation to access
this change will:
Ans. Insure against
Q. Suresh wants to
transfer his physical gold to gold exchange traded fund in relation to access
this change will:
Ans. Increase his
Q. Suresh has
adequate reserve capital with him and he wishes to protect his income.
Moreover, he feels that if he does not die then he would need the amount. What
type of plan should he opt for?
Ans. Pension plan
Q. A person wants to
invest in a FD for Tax benefit. How many years he has to take the term of the
Ans. 5 Years
Q. KishanVikas’s
payment gets cleared at:
Ans. Post office
Q. Where would you
have to go if you wanted to buy a KisanVikasPatra?
Ans. Post Office
Q. Bank interest is
Ans. Monthly
Q. What is the
frequency of the crediting the interest which is given to the customer in a
cumulative deposit?
Ans. quarterly
Q. In the Life
Insurance segment, there is:
Ans. One Life Insurance
Company in the public sector
Q. Corporate agent Is
a corporate body which acts as:
Ans. Agent for all Life
and General Insurers
Q. Customer asks the
agent to disclose the commission. The agent should:
Ans. disclose on demand
Q. Which is the
training institute for providing training to insurance agents?
Ans. Insurance Institute
of India
Q. In a cashless
Medi-claim policy the claim amount is paid by the Insurance company to the:
Ans. TPA
Q. TPA's are
authorized by the Insurer to:
Ans. all the above
Q. TPA should
Ans. All the above
Q. Third Party
Administrators operating in Health insurance sector are licensed by IRDA under:
Ans. IRDA(Third
Party-Health Services) Regulations of 2001
Q. Third Party
Administrators are intermediaries providing:
Ans. Health insurance
services on behalf of Insurance Companies
Q. Network Hospital
in Health Insurance refers to:
Ans. Hospitals with
which TPAs tie-up for cash less treatment
Q. If an Insurance
company appoints a TPA under health Insurance:
Ans. The liability to
settle the claim remains with the insurers
Q. The Ombudsman's
powers are restricted to insurance contracts of what value?
Ans. 20 Lakhs
Q. License of an
agent was withdrawn in June 2010 due to malpractice. He can reapply for his
license in:
Ans. 2015
Q. What is the
stipulated time frame within which an insurer is supposed to respond after
receiving any communication from its policyholder?
Ans. 10 days
Q. For the customer
whose claim has been refused by the company the three places where he/she
should follow up are - Ombudsman IRDA Customer Grievance Cell and :
Ans. Consumer Forum
Q. Karthik written to
his insurer about non-settlement of a maturity claim. As per regulations the
insurer should reply to this within how many working days?
Ans. 10
Q. A policy holder
submits cancellation of his term insurance policy. The insurer accepts the form
and fails to give the benefits. Policy holder writes to IRDA post which the
settlement should be made within?
Ans. 15 days
Q. Health ID cards
are provided to all their policy holders to validate their identity at the time
of admission by:
Ans. Hospital
Q. The major duty of
the TPA is
Ans. Claim Management
Q. Third Party
Administrators operating in Health insurance sector are licensed by:
Q. As per IRDA
regulations IGMS should be mandatory set up by:
Ans. By all insurers
Q. Ombudsman has to
give his decision within how many days?
Ans. 3 Months
Q. An Award is passed by
Ombudsman. In how many days it should be honored by Insurance Co
Ans. 15 days
Q. The functions of
the Insurance Ombudsman include
Ans. Conciliation and
making awards
Q. IGMS is a platform
for registering complaints & mandatorily to be used by
Ans. all insurers
Q. What are the ways by which
a policy holder can make complaints
Ans. E mail or Toll free
Q. Ombudsman has to pass an
award within how much time
Ans. 3 months
Q. If a person
chooses cumulative deposit than Recurring deposit difference will be in:
Ans. Frequency of
interest calculation
Q. If a person want
to maintain emergency funds the best place is a bank or:
Q. What period of
time a client has to be invested to get tax benefit under postal scheme?
Ans. 5 years
Q. What is purpose of
investing money in debt mutual fund?
Q. Anand received
post taxation 5% return on his fixed deposit in a bank. If his net return is 3%
what can be the reason?
Ans. Inflation
Q. If an Agent
focusses on Commission, then it is:
Ans. Unethical
Q. Which body has
created a call centre for logging a complaint?
Q. A client has got
some funds and wants to provide for retirement and margin money. What should be
his priority?
Ans. Depends upon his
actual age and years left for retirement
Q. A customer while
investing in to Recurring deposit or Cumulative deposit. What are the key
factors which will matter?
Ans. interest rates
Q. An agent reveals
his commission received from insurance sales to X&Y. Both plans are of same
duration. Why is commission of X far higher that of Y?
Ans. Y has brought a
single premium product
Q. A customer
surrenders his policy on Feb 2011. As per Agents code of conduct an agent can
get a new policy from this customer from Feb which year?
Ans. 2011
Q. Persistency has
increased from 82% in previous year to 86% this year. That means:
Ans. Less Lapsation
Q. After doing the
need analysis of the client the agent advised the client to opt for ROP
product. But the client refuse. According to ethical business practices, what
will the agent do?
Ans. Enquire about the
refusal from the client
Q. What key impact
will the agent have in low persistency?
Ans. Will have impact
in his commission
Q. Complaint council bodies
other than IRDA grievance readdress forum & COPA
Ans. Ombudsman
Q. As per the IRDA
circular an insurance agent:
Ans. needs to disclose
the amount of commission on demand
Q. Transactions of
sale of life insurance products to the insurable clients are viewed in the
insurance market mostly as:
Ans. Relationship
Q. What is meant by
Higher persistency to the insurers?
Ans. Higher Profits
Q. If Sales Target
get reduced, then Churning will:
Ans. Decrease
Q. An advisor will do
a churn to:
Ans. To earn extra
Q. Churning is bad,
based on which aspect:
Ans. Policyholders
suffer due to surrender charges and benefits
Q. If the agent
recommends the client to terminate an endowment plan and take a whole life in
order to earn higher commission, it is termed as:
Ans. Churning
Q. According to IRDA
agent’s code of conduct, what is the best method of showing the amount of
commission earned by the advisor?
Ans. Signed copy of
sales illustration
Q. What are the key
aspects that advisors do for better persistency?
Ans. Selling product as
per need & policy servicing
Q. If the client does
not wish to proceed with the recommendations right at the moment, the agent
Ans. Should ask for a
future date from the client
Q. During the
recommendation stage the advisor needs to:
Ans. recommend the
products that best meet the client’s needs
Q. Insurer has
rejected an insurance proposal with intimation along with reasons to client and
with copy to agent. What should agent do?
Ans. Explain to client
the reasons of rejection
Q. The best way to
prove that customer of a ULIP policy is given awareness about the commission
paid to the Agent is:
Ans. From signed copy
of benefit illustration
Q. During product
recommendation, the agent should explain the product in relation to:
Ans. The needs that
came to fore in fact find process
Q. What is the reason
that an advisor is getting more than 35% Commission in the 1st Year?
Ans. Alternate channel
Q. An Agent can
receive maximum of ________ %of the premium as commission in the first year
Ans. Thirty Five
Q. Lien can be considered an alternative of which of the
Ans. Clause.
Q. What is the special report that is asked by the
underwriter from the officer of the insurer?
Ans. Moral hazard report
Q. The responsibility for classification and analysis of
proposal form lies with whom
Ans. Underwriter
Q. Time deposit account is issued by
Ans. Post Office
Q. All ULIP pension plans have to give how much
percentage as guaranteed returns
Ans. 4.50%
Q. How the Daily Hospitalization cash benefit will
provide benefits to policyholder who is hospitalized
Ans. A fixed amount on a daily basis is paid irrespective
of the actual cost of treatment.
Q. What are the benefits to the policyholder under
surgical car rider?
Ans. Treatment cost of surgery subject to term &
Q. In a pension plan illustration what are the parts
which shows the benefit for an annuitant
Ans. Guaranteed and non guaranteed part
Q. Open market option under annuity policy would extend
which of the following benefit
Ans. Increase in the range
Q. Some health plans will give coverage for family member
also we will call these plans as
Ans. Family floater health insurance plans
Q. Manish and Manisha is a married couple with one child.
They want to plan for savings, child education/marriage and their retirement
and protection of income. Which should be their lowest priority?
Ans. Marriage
Q. A provision for superannuation is a normally taken a
high need to
Ans. a Self employed person
Q. During the recommendation stage the advisor needs to
Ans. Recommend the products that best meet the client’s
Q. Mr. Harsh an agent wants do a through fact finding for
his client to Mr.Kishan who is a business man. Which of the following
information will be helpful to know about the earnings and expense at kishan?
Ans. Client’s profit and withdrawal’s from business
Q. Higher persistency to the insurer ensure what
Ans. Higher profits
Q. Persistency has increased from 82% in previous year to
86% this year that means
Ans. Less Lapsation
Q. When should an agent disclose the commission which he
will earn from the product which he is going to sell?
Ans. When the customer asks him
Q. Which one of the following factors does not help in
the persistency
Ans. Dispatching discharge voucher to the customer
Q. Under married women’s property act, 1874 a
policyholder is
Ans. the trustee
Q. Married women’s property act 19874 provides that a
life insurance policy that has been taken out by
Ans. Married man
Q. What is the role of National insurance Academy?
Ans. To undertake training activities
Q. De-tarrification is a process by which pricing of
Ans. insurers can price their product on their self past
Q. As per IRDA regulations IGMS Should be mandatory setup
Ans. By all insurers
Q. Generally insurance companies do not hold the premium
in case of a fraud or misrepresentation. However, due to which of the following
circumstances by insurer can retain the premium the policyholder
Ans. Indisputability clause
Q. A policy holder is not satisfied with the services at
the insurer and complains to ombudsman. In how many days from receipt of the
complaint the ombudsman should pass the recommendation
Ans. 1 month
Q. The premium on all riders put together should not
Ans. 30% of the premium on the base policy.
Q. How riders will help the customer in life insurance
Ans. Allow policyholder to customize their insurance
cover with accidental benefits
Q. In daily hospitalization cash benefit scheme
Ans. The insurance company may pay an additional amount
on a daily basis if the insured is admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).
Q. What is the main objective of taking the life
insurance policy?
Ans. Protection
Q. Group insurance can be taken in following relationship
Ans. Employee- Employer
Q. If a person consuming alcohol- what is the type of
Ans. Moral
Q. Life Insurance is the most important for which age
Ans. Pre- retirement
Q. While on sales of an insurance plan Mr…. Had to show
his license
Ans. The customer demanded
Q. Which one of the following reports in not considered
in case of pankaj bought a plan in 2009 & died in road accident in 2011.
Ans. advisor confidential report
Q. In the case of agent’s death, the commission payable
will be paid to
Ans. His legal heirs
Q. Which one of the section deals with the licensing of
an agent
Ans. Section 42 of the insurance act 1938
Q. How are perils and hazards normally distinguished
under therm insurance policies?
Ans. Perils are risk that policyholders will die before a
specified date and hazards are factors which could influence that risk.
Q. Where one can approach in case of dispute
Ans. Consumer forum
Q. The regulations issued by the IRDA, require that the
decision on the proposer must be conveyed to the proposer within
Ans. 15 days of receiving the proposal
Q. According to IRDA guidelines, how long does an
insurance company have to complete its investigation of claim?
Ans. 180 days
Q. Who is the regulator supervisor and monetary authority
of the financial system in India?
Ans. RBI
Q. Indisputability clause can be enforced by the
insurance company during the
Ans. First two years of policy
Q. To ensure that the premiums are paid out of a
legitimate source at funds cash is accepted
Ans. Up to 50,000
Q. If there is no claim in a year then what will be the
benefit to the customer as no clam BOUNS
Ans. Discount in next year premium
Q. Maximum time for investigation in disputed claim
Ans. 3 months
Q. A lump sum withdrawal allowed as commutation in
pension plan is.
Ans. 1/3 of the accumulation fund
Q. Customer has opted for a 5 year guaranteed annuity
option. What will happen to annuity, if the customer survives for 5 years after
the end of guarantee period?
Ans. Till he die
Q. In term insurance if critical illness rider claim
happens then what will happen to existing policy.
Ans. CI benefits will case
Q. The Ombudsman’s powers are restricted to insurance
contracts of value not exceeding
Ans. 20Lakhs
Q. In which section of policy document, information about
the location at insurance Ombudsman had written
Ans. Information statement
Q. Ombudsman passes an award within which time
Ans. 3 months
Q. If the license of an agent has been disqualified by a
designated authority in 2010 then the person can apply for a license in which
Ans. 2015
Q. Under the hospital care rider what is the payout mode.
Ans. Specified amount multiplied by the number at days
the policyholder is hospitalized.
Q. M.rSamad has taken a G-Sec and has parted with it mid
way as he required the money with the intention at not getting the interest
what will he get
Ans. Discounted value
Q. If bonus is given under a plan the additional premium
added is known as
Ans. Loading
Q. Nomination can be in favor of how may people
Ans. It can be any number
Q. Mr.Balaji is suffering from Asthma and the policy in
been done on joint life basis and the need for nomination under the plan is
less as
Ans. Joint life policy
Q. What key impact will the agent have in low
Ans. Will have impact in his commission
Q. Within how many days will the underwriter needs to
inform the policyholder regarding the status at the policy.
Ans. 15 days
Q. Ravi was expecting a claim amount of Rs. 12, 00,000
from insurer but it was rejected. He feels that it is repudiated on wrong
reasons. Which consumer forum can be approach?
Ans. District level
Q. If any consumer is dissatisfied with the customer care
cell of any insurance company to whom they can escalate their grievances
Ans. Nodal Officer
Q. With this type of deposit the bank pays the principal
and the total interest at the end of the term.
Ans. Cumulative deposits
Q. Certificate from the village panchayat
Ans. Will be considered as non standard age proof
Q. Varun wishes to pursue a career in insurance and
wishes to be in a department which calculates the level of premium. In which
department should he join.
Ans. Actuary
Q. Aswin is looking at different plans of insurance for
protection at the lowest premium. Which is the best plan for him?
Ans. Term plan
Q. The insurance act of 1938 created which of these
Ans. Traiff Advisory Committee
Q. The premium for accidental death benefit rider must
not exceed
Ans. 30% of base policy premium
Q. If the annual premium for a plan is 32000 and a
frequency loading at 4% is added in a quarterly premium what is the amount that
needs to be paid
Ans. 8320
Q. What amount of insurable interest does an individual
have in his own life
Ans. Unlimited
Q. Kalyan is an illiterate person and his proposal form
was filled by simaran, then what is the additional requirement to be taken
along with the documents
Ans. Thumb impression of kalian has to be taken
Q. Harsh’s policy matured, however he was paid only 25%
of the sum insured in spite at all his premiums been paid on time . This
indicates that his policy is a
Ans. Money back plan
Q. The Authority at COPA is limited to what amount at the
district level
Ans. 20, 00,000
Q. If a person is concentrating more on health plan and
retirement plan then at which stage at life is he in
Ans. Pre Retirement
Q. The Institute of Insurance and Risk Management along
with insurance education does what more
Ans. Research
Q. A claim was paid in a policy and it was advertised in
the newspaper also. This indicates that the policy was
Ans. It was lost
Q. An indemnity bond was signed in a policy when the
claim was paid. This indicates that the policy was
Ans. It was lost
Q. Payment of premium and sum assured are laid down in
Ans. Operative clause
Q. What is the role of National Insurance Academy?
Ans. To undertake training activities
Q. Which is the primary saving need among all saving
Ans. Contingency/Emergency fund
Q. Sanjeev is an insurance expert who has rich experience
in determining premium levels for product, what is his profile like
Ans. Any actuary
Q. The Non Government Organizations (NGO) helps the
insurance industry immensely in
Ans. Linking Buyers & Sellers
Q. Investment by foreign direct investors in to insurance
co’s is restricted to
Ans. 26%
Q. Which market does the Micro Insurance Concentrate on?
Ans. People with low income
Q. What is the similarity between Recurring Deposits
& Cumulative deposits in a bank?
Ans. Guarantees
Q. What facility do the insurers use to cover Risk beyond
their Limits?
Ans. Re Insurance
Q. Lung cancer and smoking.
Ans. Lung cancer is peril and smoking is moral hazard
Q. The type of risk that can be insured against is
Ans. Pure Risk
Q. Pooling of risk in insurance means
Ans. All similar risk are pooled together
Q. Pure risk is classified under
Ans. Insurable risk
Q. The consequences of these risks which will affect
specific individuals or local communities in nature is called as
Ans. Particular risk
Q. Harish takes a life insurance policy for Rames. Which
of the following statement best describes the principle of insurable interest.
Ans. Harish suffers financial loss incese of death of
Q. What is the min age to enter into the contract of
Ans. 18
Q. In a whole life plan- The policyholder’s
responsibility to give disclosure
Ans. At the beginning of the contract
Q. Principle of utmost good faith will operate in
existing policy
Ans. If the policy has lapsed and it has to be revived
Q. Why does an insurer insist on age proof document? To
Ans. Risk Assessment
Q. Mr. A Submitted the proposal form. When will the risk
begins for the company?.
Ans. FPR issued
Q. The obligation of the insurer for the whole life
policy is mentioned in
Ans. Operative Clause
Q. All Ulip Pension Plans have to give how much
percentage as guaranteed returns
Ans. 4.50%
Q. Yash wants to take open market option in pension plan.
What is the benefit?.
Ans. For improved annuity rate
Q. Asvath is illiterate. He wants to take policy anssurya
is a friend of his help him is answering questions and answers and also fills
proposal. In addition to this requirement is
Ans. Left thumb impression of asvath along with a
declaration of his friend
Q. While calculating Human Life Value (HLV) two
components need to be kept in mind, the one is take home salary and other is
Ans. Bank fixed deposit rate
Q. Annual premium of insurance product is Rs.32, 000, 4%
loading on Quarterly mode of payment what is the quarterly premium?
Ans. 8320
Q. Why ACR
Ans. To help the underwriter to assess the Risk
Q. In a 20 year with profit policy, persist ency Bonus is
paid at the end of
Ans. 20th year
Q. Hari Wants a constant life cover till his 31 st
birthday. But he cant afford to pay high premiums. The best suited products for
him would be
Ans. Term Plan
Q. At the time of maturity, quarter of the SA is paid
though the policy was in force
Ans. Money back
Q. Weekly premiums are generally collected for which
type/range of plans
Ans. Micro Insurance
Q. What tax rate, if any, will be applicable to a life
insurance policy holder for the maturity proceeds of a Rs 5000 life insurance
Ans. Nil
Q. The best way to overcome the problem of investment
decision depends mainly on peer influence is
Ans. Seeking Professional Advice
Q. A person who has a temporary job Loss, where should he
look for investing other than FD
Ans. Debt Funds of MF
Q. RBI increased interest rates 2 times then the stock
Ans. decrease
Q. A person wants to invest in a FD for Tax benefit, how
many years he has to take the term of the FD?
Ans. 5 year
Q. Both the parties to a contract must agree and
understand the same thing and in the same sense which is called
Ans. Consensus ad idem
Q. Types of assignment
Ans. Absolute & Conditional
Q. Aditya wants to take home loan and his monthly take
home is 80,000 what as a best practices should be the maximum EMI
Ans. 32,000
Q. Omkar Started a pension policy with provider a but
ended up in taking the annuity payment from provider B. The result directly
reflect the which feature available with this policy
Ans. Open Market Option
Q. During financial planning session if the agent finds
out the following needs which one should be given the top priority. Needs:
Income protection Childs education marriage and emergency funds
Ans. Income protection
Q. What frequencies can one take annuity?
Ans. Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly
Q. Commutation option allows the annuity policy holder to
with draw
Ans. 33%
Q. Why do self employed individual have the need to buy
Medical Insurance rather than People working in public Sectors.
Ans. Public sector employees enjoy Medical Insurance
Covers Related to job
Q. Mohit has two kids, one of 6 years and other 8 years.
He is the earning member and not having life cover. Before advising him to take
health policy, what he should be advised?
Ans. Life Insurance Policy for himself
Q. Manoj a 26 year old is having 7 years old son, what
will happen to his monthly disposable income after 15 years of job
Ans. significantly increase
Q. Samir is married and he has only one partner, with
dependant parents and no child, which should be his priority
Ans. Income protection
Q. The sole focus during a client’s fact-find session was
healthcare requirements and estate planning. Which main life stage is he most
likely to fall into?
Ans. Retirement
Q. Objective of fact finding
Ans. Client needs analysis Q. Fact finding sheet allows
the agent to Ans. Analyze customer needs
Q. Mr. A has approached by the Agent and on fact finding
the score is 3, this represents
Ans. Moderate Risk Taking
Q. To ensure that the premiums are paid out of a
legitimate source of funds cash is accepted
Ans. Up to Rs 50000
Q. With effect from 1st July 2010 all insurers have to
disclose in the benefit illustration document the.
Ans. Commission Pay to their agents.
Q. Which Act or Regulation provides that the Renewal
Commission is payable to the legal heirs of the insurance Agent ?
Ans. Insurance Act 1938
94 टिप्पणियाँ
Question answer right h kya pure?
जवाब देंहटाएंbilkul right hain...try karo....I have already passed the exam
हटाएंare sir koi question naya pooch liya to
हटाएंtime-time par kuch questions new add kar dete hain but agar ye bhi dhyan se padh liye to pass to jarur ho jaoge....70% se jyada isi mein se aaye pichle saal se
हटाएंQ. Mr. A has approached by the Agent and on fact finding the score is 3, this represents
हटाएंAmit is looking for term insurance plan for protection of his family he is advised to approach for: Life Insurance, Not Property Insurance
जवाब देंहटाएंyes, life insurance....
हटाएंsabke exam me same question aate hai kya?
जवाब देंहटाएंye jaruri nahi hai....but itna jarur hai ki 80% se jyada questions isi mein se aayenge
जवाब देंहटाएंhaan hindi and english donon language me questions aate hain
हटाएंSir How many questions or have here and minimum passing Mark's got it na after we read all?
हटाएंpassing marks is 35% and if you read these questions & answers carefully, you will definitely get above 50%....good luck
हटाएंसर कितना नम्बर मिलेगा तो पास हो जाए है Rap
जवाब देंहटाएं35% चाहिए
हटाएंThank u Sir...
जवाब देंहटाएंAapke Answer key se maine 54% marks laya hai maine.
good luck
हटाएंSir Kya Ye answer Key Rap Ke Final Exam Me Kam Ayega
जवाब देंहटाएंbilkul ayenge.....ho sakta hai kuch questions new aaye...but itna guarantee hai inhe padhkar aap aasani se paas ho jaoge
हटाएंoption dene se adcha taaa
जवाब देंहटाएंsaare option deta to article kafi lamba ho jaata....isliye sirf answers mention kiye hain
हटाएंHindi ke liye option Nahi de raha hai exam me Kya Kre
जवाब देंहटाएंcsc tec number chaiye csc ke liya registision karni ha
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हटाएंek sawal me do jawab q hai... sawal - The process of making changes in the terms and conditions of the policy once it is issued is called:
जवाब देंहटाएंSir isme hindi options nahi hai kya select karne ke liye
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जवाब देंहटाएंThank you for choosing us.
जवाब देंहटाएंThe strongest painters in Abu Dhabi
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जवाब देंहटाएं
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जवाब देंहटाएंشركة تركيب فلاتر المياه في الشارقة
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